First Rule Training

Contract Negotiation for General Contractors

In 5 hours, understand and navigate contracts better than 99% of your peers.

Developed and led by nationally recognized construction lawyer, Eliot Wagonheim

As a General Contractor, you’re always fighting a war on two fronts. First, you have to negotiate a solid contract with the Owner designed to minimize your risk while protecting both your profit, and your relationship. Second, you need to secure and work with top-flight subcontractors. In this course, we show you exactly what to say and how to say it, issue-by-issue, so you can do both.

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A look inside the course

download the syllabus here

Session 1

Placing Your Footers

Learn the foundations of great construction contract negotiation by gaining a true understanding of the tactics and techniques you need to turn any conversation to your advantage.

Session 2

The Hidden Power of Themes

The vast majority of your peers are doing negotiation wrong. Learn how to streamline the conversation, reduce expense, and emerge with a better contract using our battle-tested strategy that even contract pros don’t know.

Session 3

Reducing Legal Risk

Learn how strategic empathy enables you to move the needle in negotiations on terms which carry the most legal risk in any construction contract, from discrepancy to due diligence and assumption of risk.

Session 4

Mission-Critical Negotiations by Term

See how you can apply your newfound contract negotiation knowledge and skill to mission critical terms such as SOW, schedule, indemnification, force majeure, and even default and termination.

Session 5

Lowering Operational and Project Risk

These are the provisions that determine any project’s success or failure, from changes in the work, to warranty, damages, payment, and more. Learn what to say and how to say it in order to get them right.


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In 5 sessions, you will learn everything you need to know about contracts Subcontractor Project Manager.

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